Senior Nutrition

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With the aging of the U.S. population, increased attention is being given to delivering health and related services to older persons in the community. Since adequate nutrition is critical to health, functioning, and the quality of life, it is an important component of home and community-based services for older people.

The Elderly Nutrition Program provides for congregate meals and the Meals on Wheels home-delivered meals program. These meals and are provided in a variety of group settings, including two senior centers, one fire hall, as well as in a community apartment complex as well as at the homes of homebound older adults. Meals served under the program must provide at least one-third of the recommended dietary allowances established by the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, as well as the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, issued by the Secretaries of Departments of Health and Human Services and Agriculture.

In practice, Aging & Family Services Nutrition Program’s 400 elderly participants are receiving an estimated 40 to 50 percent of required nutrients from meals provided by the Program.

Staff who deliver meals to homebound older persons often spend some time with the elderly, helping to decrease their feelings of isolation. These volunteers and staff also to check on the welfare of the homebound elderly and are encouraged to report any health or other problems that they may note during their visits. In addition to providing nutrition and nutrition-related services, the Elderly Nutrition Program provides an important link to other needed supportive in-home and community-based services such as homemaker-home health aide services, transportation, physical activity programs, and even home repair and home modification programs.

Meals On Wheels

The Meals on Wheels Program of Mineral County assists people who are homebound by providing a hot, nutritious meal each week day. Designed to help prevent unnecessary institutionalization, this program helps the frail elderly maintain independence and avoid social isolation.

Aging and Family Services offers these meals in a limited area in the Keyser area and also in the Ridgeley, Wiley Ford, Short Gap and Fort Ashby areas. To participate in the Home Delivered Meals Program seniors must be at least 60 years of age, homebound and unable to leave home alone, and unable to prepare meals or have no other access to a nutritionally balanced diet. Please contact our office for other eligibility guidelines.

Keyser Senior Center
30 South Church Street
Keyser, WV 26726

Lunches served 12:00 noon
Monday through Friday

Frankfort District Senior Center
10 Summit Drive
Short Gap, WV

Lunches served 12:00 noon
Monday through Friday

Elk Garden Fire Department
Maple Street
Elk Garden, WV

Lunches served 12:00 noon
Monday through Friday

Piedmont Mid Rise
51 Jones Street
Piedmont, WV

Lunches served 12:00 noon
Monday through Friday