In Home Services

Trust the Caring Professionals from Aging and Family Services to Provide the Best Quality Care Available!

What Can an In-Home care Technician from Aging and Family Services do for You?

Help with:

Individuals can qualify for in-home services under a variety of programs, including: COMMUNITY CARE, MEDICAID WAIVER, Lighthouse, FAIR, Alternative Care, Private Pay, Veterans Administration (VA), and Respite.

Both Community Care and Waiver are federally funded and made available through the WV Department of Health and Human resources. Please contact Aging & Family Services for the guidelines for the other programs.


This program provides services to people age 18 and over who are eligible for Medicaid and determined by a physician to be in need of services because of physical impairment. Individuals must need assistance with personal care activities such as grooming and hygiene. If personal care is needed then assistance with other activities such as grocery shopping and errands, housework, budget management and transportation to doctor appointments can be provided. Each case is assessed and supervised by an RN, as ordered by the client's physician.


Services are provided to people age 18 and over who are medically in need of nursing home care, as determined by the department of Health and Human Resources. Individuals must be eligible for Medicaid under special guidelines and deemed appropriate for in-home services by a case management team. An RN supervises the services provided to each client.


The FAIR (Family Alzheimer's In-Home Respite) program is available to offer relief to family members who are caring for individuals with Alzheimer's desiease or related dementia. This service allows the caregiver to have a regular break from care giving responsibilities and provides stimulation and socialization for the person with dementia.

Diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease OR another dementia
Resident of Mineral County

Up to 16 hours of respite care per week
A regular break for caregivers
Stimulation and socialization for the person with dementia

Sliding scale based on household income

For more information, Contact Aging & Family Services.


LIGHTHOUSE services will be provided through the senior centers in every county of the state and will touch the lives of thousands of our citizens.

The program will be geared toward those 60+ who do not qualify for other in-home services (i.e. Medicaid) and will provide personal care and environmental assistance for up to 60 hours per month.

The LIGHTHOUSE Program is designed to assist those seniors who have functional needs in their homes. Services are provided by an In-Home Care Technician employed by Aging & Family Services after an applicant is found eligible by the provider’s Registered Nurse and financial eligibility has been established.

Eligibility for services:
60+ years of age
Medically eligible based upon a functional evaluation by Aging & Family Services Registered Nurse. Two needs must be identified under “Activities of Daily Living” on the BoSS Intake Form (BIF). A need is an ADL that requires “Much Assistance” or “Cannot Perform”
Financially Eligible based on the LIGHTHOUSE Sliding Fee Schedule. An individual’s income may be determined by voluntary disclosure by the client or by agency estimation; means tests are not required.


The LIGHTHOUSE Program provides support in four areas:
Personal Care: Grooming, Bathing, Dressing, and Toileting
Mobility: Transferring and Walking
Nutrition: Meal Preparation, Eating, and Grocery and/or Pharmacy Shopping
Environment: Light Housekeeping, Making and Changing the Client’s Bed, and Client’s Laundry. Environmental services must be provided in the home and cannot exceed more than 1/3 of the monthly hours that the client receives.

HOURS: OF SERVICE: A LIGHTHOUSE Client can receive up to sixty hours of service per month, based on the RN’s Client Assessment and subsequent plan of care.

For more information about the LIGHTHOUSE Program, Contact Aging & Family Services

Why Choose Aging and Family Services to provide these services?